Footbag WorldWide Member Services: Member Profile for GreySkye

Member Profile for GreySkye

Last Login: Wed Jun 24 20:36:05 2015
Tony R. Morgan

Member Snapshot:

ID: 79443
IFPA Membership Status:
Joined: 03/18/10
Tier 1: Expired: 06/21/16
Phone: 1-541-720-6078
Hermiston, OR
Our motto is 'learn to kick before you trick'! With all I have seen of what has been done with this sport, I wish I hadn't waited so long to get up to speed and involved in it. But I am a decent casual circle kicker. I have Taught hundreds of people how to play. And at first all of them have said they weren't coordinated enough to do it! But if they are willing to stay with it, and take instruction on how to kick properly, I help them prove themselves incorrect. Just Not enough people dedicated to play on a consistent weekly basis in my area anymore, so it's mostly just me and my youngest son. But it's more a lifestyle for me than a game. It's the only exercise I can do to keep me healthy! So if you're passing through the area stop and kick it in the high desert. Ask for Tony "Blaze" Morgan. I am, most days, available mid afternoons and early evenings from spring to fall. Practice makes proficient. Have fun, use all your feet, and stay safe.

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Profile Created: Tue Nov 18 01:23:34 2008; Profile Modified: Mon Jun 22 23:21:40 2015

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