Footbag WorldWide Member Services: Member Profile for JasonMann

Member Profile for JasonMann

Last Login: Tue Jul 19 10:22:38 2016
Jason T. Mann

Member Snapshot:

ID: 65859
IFPA Membership Status:
Joined: 10/02/07
Tier 1: Expired: 03/24/10
Knoxville, TN
1)I moved to Eugene to study the Environmental Science program at the University of Oregon. I picked up on freestyle footbag in 2000, after attending the local Saturday Market. Eugene is of course the home of The Flying Clipper, and there are people kicking a bag on every other street corner. I am currently a member of the Eugene Footbag Association, and we are meeting 2-3 times per week (email me for schedule requests). 2)I have now moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. I am not kicking as much as I want because I need other kickers to fuel my drive and to get creative with the game. So far, I have not seen anyone kicking in this city, and I would like to change that.

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Profile Created: Thu Jun 12 12:04:11 2003; Profile Modified: Tue Jan 2 11:26:54 2018

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