Footbag FAQ: E-mail Opt In/Out

Frequently-Asked Questions

How do I get off your mailing list?

First of all, let us be clear that we do not spam! If you have even a passing interest in footbag, we recommend you remain "in the loop" by staying on our mailing lists just in case something important and relevant to you comes across the wire.

That said, if you want to control how you receive e-mail resulting from your membership on, here's a brief explanation of your options:

  1. announcements - if you are receiving mail through the announcements list ( and wish to stop receiving those e-mails, edit your member profile and un-check the option, "Keep me informed via". You will no longer receive announcements sent by our members. Note: the announcements list is "opt-in", meaning you were only added to this list if you checked this check-box explicitly. We do not check it for you by default!

  2. bulletins - we sometimes send service bulletins (much more rare) that are meant to communicate with all of our members about important changes to or with what we feel is critical information for the footbag community. This is essentially a direct communication channel from the webmaster and from the IFPA board of directors and is only used for very important e-mails. Membership in the bulletin mailing list is automatic (also called "opt-out"), meaning that you have no choice but to receive them unless you explicitly remove yourself from that list. We strongly urge you to reconsider, but if you should decide to opt out of the services messages, you can simply click here.
Entry last updated by Steve Goldberg on 10-Feb-2005.
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