Footbag FAQ: Help with using

Frequently-Asked Questions

Can I copy and use text, photos, and/or videos from your site on my own site?

Probably not. That's why we have "copyright" on the bottom of every single page on our site. We retain the right on behalf of our contributors to these images, and we have the right to control where those images appear. That doesn't mean you can't use them in "fair use" ways -- but we simply do not wish to have our content (including members' media sets) used to give other websites a "leg up". (But please, read on below for more information on "fair use" of our content.)

Now, if you are asking on behalf of a media organization, and are interested in using photos or videos to help us promote footbag, that's a Horse of a Different Color. :-) You are welcome to use anything you find, but you will need to contact us to ensure you have the highest resolution possible. This, of course, assuming you verify that we can give you permission for each item used. We have permission to redistribute most of our content for promotional purposes, but it's always good to check to make sure. In some limited cases, the original media author may require a licensing arrangement, depending on the use of the material.

For the rest of you who don't feel it's right or who really need permission (or who will ignore our admonitions and take our photos/videos from us anyway and re-use them), here are some simple rules of thumb:

  1. Only copy the "thumbnails" or index photos, and link them back to the specific page on that displays them. This you can do any time you like, without asking, because this is what's considered "fair use" under copyright law. To be clear, don't copy the larger photo or the full video; just copy the small image that points to it, and then make sure that the link is exactly the same as what the small image on our site is already linked to.
  2. If you ignore the instruction above and copy the entire photo or (worse) video, then at least do us the favor of putting the proper credits on the photo/video. Please put "Copyright (C) IFPA, Inc., used w/o permission" and then be sure to include the photographer's credits (just as we have them shown on our site). WE DO NOT OWN THESE PHOTOS, just the rights to use them on the internet. Please respect our hundreds of contributors so that they don't stop contributing.

Thanks for asking.

Entry last updated by Steve Goldberg on 5-Aug-2006.
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