
If you want to support our event, do not hesitate and put some of our banners on your site or blog :)

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Other info
Late check-in and registration infoLate registration and check-in will run on Sunday, August 10th, at Slavia Athletic Stadium (the event site) from 11am (11.00) to 10pm (22.00).
This is the time when you can arrive, pay your fees if necessary, and get your player's pack. This is the ONLY chance for you to check in if you did not pre-pay by August 7th!! Only "guests" (not competing) or pre-paid players will be able to pick up player's packs after this time.
for more info about check-in and registration check this page
Net schedule updatedCheck the latest footbag net schedule
Important updateHostel capacity of 120 beds have been used so you dont need to mail them anymore. We recomend that you contact other hostels in Prague for cheap accomodation. Please visit the accomodation page to see which we recomend.
Registration now openedOfficial registration just launched! See more on registration page on!