Tips for Pendulum
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I seen this done and figured id ... more
Richard Passero
November 18, 2004
it helps if you can watch yourse... more
Brian Lally
October 30, 2003
It took me about a year of not s... more
John Mark Rhoades
November 5, 2004
Ok I spent a good hour practicin... more
Shawn Boyle
July 19, 2004
Really an easy move if you just ... more
Thomas Duddy
August 27, 2000
This is one of my favorite trick... more
Rene Prefontaine
March 22, 2001
This is one of those moves that ... more
Mark Wride
April 20, 2000
This trick took me about an hour... more
Grant Mooney
July 12, 2006
With this technique i mastered t... more
Caleb Abraham
April 14, 2001
You don't have to see the footba... more
Thomas LaBeff
December 4, 1999
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