These were b-day presents for a couple of the guys. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
2 of Dan's first J-bags. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Dan's other 2 bags. I believe he got them through Trevorr with a product for product trade. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
My first 4 bags. The small one on the upper right was the first ever, acquired for product testing. And each successive bag showed an improvemnet in his stitching. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Dan liked Trevorr's new stitching and bought 4 more for himself. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
I took the red and yelow one to the Phillipines and gave it to my cousin. I miss it a bit as it was breaking in nicely. The blue and red one is dead. All the blue panels seemed to just disintegrate to the point where it's not even worth patching up anymore. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Possibly my last 2 J-bags. I specifically asked for a lose stitching style on both of these and its paying off so far one of the bags. The other will stay in my collection. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.