Rory Dawson visited Hackrifice for New Years, post-New Years Jam. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 493 secs.)
A performance that I partook of, with FAt (Footbag Association of Toronto), at the second annual national break dance championships, at York University, in Toronto. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 491 secs.)
Bonus footage from MOTW filming (Erik + Andrew).
stepping rev whirl > blurry rev whirl > spinning ducking clipper [repeat] attempt; atomic rev whirl > blurry rev whirl > blurry rev whirl; blurry whirl > fog > reactor [repeat] attempt. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 19 secs.)
Brief Jorden clip from the Weed March in Toronto. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 20 secs.)
Erik: blurry reverse whirling swirl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 8 secs.)
Erik: reverse hatchet; reverse whirlwind; stepping rev whirl > rev tomahawk [repeat]; bedwetter > pixie ducking clipper > blurry rev whirl > mobius; far rev whirl > spinning rev whirl [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 64 secs.)
Erik: pixie rev whirl > stepping rev whirl > blur [repeat]; rev montage [both sides]; rev maelstrom > ducking clipper [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 138 secs.)
Erik: blurry rev whirl > blur > tapping rev whirl > blurry clipper > blurry rev whirl > blur > tapping rev whirl; stepping rev whirl X2 > far rev whirl [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 193 secs.)
Andrew: pdx whirl > shmoe > pixie same whirl [repeat]; atomic drifter > reaper; pdx whirl > flurry > butterfly [repeat]; pdx whirl > blurry drifter [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 182 secs.)
Manna Mpepo: ripwalk > ripwalk; sidewalk BSOS; 16 infinities; stepping mirage BSOS. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 113 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: backside bedwetter. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Rubberman with fogs. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 28 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Spinning ducking PS mirage. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 12 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Blurry reaper. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Reverse maelstrom. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Mike and I biked around Toronto and filmed us playing in neat places. It didn't quite turn out as cool as I'd hoped, but it was really fun and kind of captured my time in Toronto :). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 345 secs.)
Andrew: "For Steve Irwin" solo session. Food processor BSOS; riptide > riptide. Video by Andrew Grant.
(Playing time 297 secs.)
Erik: Blurry ducking clipper > blurry rev whirl > blurry rev whirl > blurry ducking clipper; ripped warrior > ripped warrior; blurry rev whirl > rev tomahawk > ps rev whirl [repeat] (with accidental rev whirlygig...). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 124 secs.)
Erik: gyro DLO > ducking mirage > pixie rev whirl BSOS; gyro diving mirage > pixie ducking clipper > ripwalk [both sides]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 219 secs.)
MOTW: Andrew: Symp flurry. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
MOTW: Andrew: Pixie whirl > bedwetter [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 14 secs.)
Move of the Week: Andrew Grant: Blurry whirl > food processor [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 24 secs.)
Manna Mpepo: Modified Christmas Calendar special. Phoenix, blurry whirl, etc. It was a really crappy session for him, and the next session was incredible, but my camcorder died and the tape from that epic session may be lost forever. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 135 secs.)
Andrew Grant. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 313 secs.)
Andrew Grant:. Video by Andrew Grant.
(Playing time 450 secs.)
Manna Mpepo:. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 178 secs.)