Nic Sick1
Is it the?. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 12 secs.)
2006 January - Jorden Moir Sick 3 Entry
2006 January - Jorden Moir Sick 3 Entry. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 17 secs.)
Phil Morisson's house
A bunch of clips of Phil M taken at his house during a shred. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 136 secs.)
Nic's butterflies
A video to show Anssi my crap butterflies. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 41 secs.)
Nic double dexs
Showing how crap my double dexs are, looking for a way to fix them. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 78 secs.)
Test Intro
Blah. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 62 secs.)
Sample video
blah. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 293 secs.)
Carolyn's Movie
Caro's election video. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 199 secs.)
Nic Bathgate's routine 1:33 2 drops
A routine I performed infront of 200 students at the student church service attend. That's right, cool things do happen at church :p. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 108 secs.)
Nic trying surging and phasing
Nic trying surging and phasing. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 57 secs.)
Branded conferance advert
Branded conferance advert. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 60 secs.)
Branded conferance Intro
Branded conferance Intro. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 344 secs.)
Test 1.2
Test video version 1.2. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 196 secs.)
Australian Champs 2006 Teaser
Teaser to my Australian National Champs 2006 Movie. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 30 secs.)
What do you think of Henry G?
Funny. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 38 secs.)
Spain Jam TV report
Very professional video made by a spanish TV station on the Jam that went down in Spain recently. Video by Spainish people.
(Playing time 180 secs.)
Sample String - Nic Bathgate
A sample string from me and Toby's up coming video. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 22 secs.)
Nic's sick entrys
Which sick 1 and which sick3 is best?. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 30 secs.)
Vision's Next Top Model
Nic in a rip off of America's next top model - made for vision camp. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 57 secs.)
Vision camp intro
Using only pictures and text! No footage :(. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 145 secs.)
US open shred30
for honza. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 187 secs.)
Johnny Murphy String
Johnny Murphy from NZ hitting a sweet string. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 36 secs.)
Nic's Fairy spinning
Me tryign to do fairy spinning. Video by Nic Bathgate.
Phil M's new move
:O. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
Phil's Nemesis
is it clean?. Video by Nic Bathgate.
(Playing time 20 secs.)