Jam: January 2003
Derek + Erik: matador > blurry drifter; smogx3; 5 matadors; tombstone; vortex; fusion; fog; mobius; blurry torque; flurry;. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 355 secs.)
Jam: 030117
Derek + Erik: Scott Bevier story; feral; whirling swirl; forque; jacknife; rubberman; . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 310 secs.)
Jam: February 2003
Derek + Erik: aka the one with the ketchup bottle (and kickass music...); pdx predator; alpine legbeater; nuclear torque; 69; janiwalker; high plains drifter; feral; mobius > ps whirl; ripped warrior both sides; pixie paradon > blur [repeat]; pdx torque x 2; pigbeater. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 272 secs.)
Jam: May 2003
Derek, Erik, and Mark: aka 'Living in a Bubble'; whirlwalk; superfly > ps whirl; . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 360 secs.)
Jam: September 2003
Derek + Erik: Some random clips of Derek and me; pixie paradon > blurriest [beesauce]; mullet + hatchet both sides; vortex > drifter [repeat]; etc. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 153 secs.)
Event: Matt Cross plays guitar
(non-shred) Matthew Cross: guitar w/ Dave Holton; some silly shred (frigid surge? inside set fear > inside fairy butterfly...); background shredders: Cody Rushing, Eric Windsor, Greg Nelson, Randy Magliocca, Tim Werner, Alex Zerbe; from CSS4. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 299 secs.)
Event: css4
Hackrifice CSS4: Lon Smith, Ahren Gehrman, Jim Penske, Allan Haggett, Chad Devlahovich, etc;. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 1120 secs.)
Event: css4-two
Hackrifice CSS4 (part 2): Scott Davidson, Lon Smith, Brian McKenzie, Chris Pinkus, Justin Dale, Chad Devlahovich, Ben Schmaltz, Allan Haggett, Daryl Genz. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 759 secs.)
Event: css4-three
Hackrifice CSS4 (part 3): Sam Colclough + Chris Pinkus (juggling); Eric Windsor, Dan Klokow, Jim Penske, Brian McKenzie, Sunil Jani, Randy Magliocca, . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 500 secs.)
Event: css4-mostrippin
Derek: 030118
Derek: shuffle. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 20 secs.)
Derek: 030208
Derek: vortex > spinning whirl; shuffle. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 131 secs.)
Derek: 030316
Derek: vortex > mobius; vortex > spinning dlo; vortex > marius; alpine blurry whirl [both sides]; alpine mobius; flurry > pixie paradon; spinning whirl > spinning blender > nice run;. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 80 secs.)
Erik: 030102
Erik: Slowmo ducking and shuffle; Christmas tree for Ken Somolinos. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 131 secs.)
Erik: 030110
Erik: 030208
Erik: a jam with Derek in my family room; toe blurx2, fog, stepping whirl... Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 219 secs.)
Erik: 030326
Erik: I'd just got blurry whirls consistantly just after coming home from CSS4; first whirlygig; first pixie whirl > blur [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 118 secs.)
Erik: 030329
Erik: aka Loreena McKennit video; rubberman, paradon > pdx mirage [repeat], pixie clipper > ducking pdx mirage [repeat], phoenix both sides, smoke both sides, . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 148 secs.)
Erik: 030415
Erik: blurry drifter both sides, blurry whirl > blurry whirl, blurry whirl > fog, assassin beesauce, smog > symp pixie [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 47 secs.)
Erik: bedwetter > zulu symp pixie > symp whirl
Bedwetter > zulu symp pixie > symp whirl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 5 secs.)
Erik: Bump in the Night
Erik: knee-bump-themed session; filmed by Paul Toews; cameo by Andrew Grant; . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 138 secs.)
Misc: Big Apple Sauce
Nobody actually hits the trick in this video, but Kenny Shults himself once said he thought the video was funny, and that by the end it actually explains how the trick works... Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 45 secs.)
Misc: bails
Three sweet bails. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 35 secs.)
Misc: 'were' / 'whirr'
Another silly, shredless clip; my brothers making fun of trick names; I had toe same whirr role off at the end. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 86 secs.)
VotDS: Derek Chandall: Leemanless
Voyage of the Dawn Shredder:
Derek Chandall: Leemanless (1 of 2):
Derek + Erik:. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 537 secs.)
VotDS: Derek Chandall: Leemanless 2
Voyage of the Dawn Shredder:
Derek Chandall: Leemanless (2 of 2):
Derek + Erik:. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 356 secs.)
Konrad Chan: Blur [both sides]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 5 secs.)
Derek Vandall.
Summer 2003 session at U of M. Video to Astral Projection's remix of the Star Wars theme.
Blurry torque > blurry drifter > blurry torque; alpine matador > blurry torque; alpine blurry whirl > mullet; whirlwind > blurry torque;
And amazing unplanned, synchronized clapping by Mark Leeman + Erik Chan. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 156 secs.)
Jane Jones special from CSS4. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 49 secs.)
Move of the Week: (very first)
Derek: Montage
Erik: Predator
. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 21 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Torch-r-rack. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Atomic drifter. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Whirlwalk. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 11 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Matador > blurry whirl [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 21 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Blurry whirl > bubbabeater > same symp whirl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 17 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Whirling swirl > whirlygig
(epic, requested James Risden combo!). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 13 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Blurry whirl > blur > reactor. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 17 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Stepping whirl > ripwalk [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 18 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Blurry whirl > sidewalk [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 19 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Alpine marius + zulu marius. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 18 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Reverse whirlygig [both sides]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 11 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Erik: Gary Coleman (backside reactor). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: 69 > blurriest. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 14 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Blurry torque > blurry torque. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 15 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Big apple. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 11 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Peeking mobius. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Blurry drifter > drifter [repeat]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 20 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Pixie blackula. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 8 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Spanishfly. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 7 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Gauntlet. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Alpine Gravedigger
(Requested by Eli Piltz for Flipsider's "Massive Tricks" section!). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Full symp stepping whirl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Alpine tombstone
(Requested by Eli Piltz for Flipsider's "Massive Tricks" section!). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Locomotion. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 11 secs.)
Scott Ellenberger special. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 38 secs.)
Erik: hitting a couple of tricks with a snowball. In later years, inspired similar video by "The Cleaver" Dave Clavens. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 13 secs.)
Erik Chan: Muffinman Singalong #2. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 73 secs.)
Derek Vandall:
Epic video to Bal Sagoth, filmed by Derek, edited by Erik. Pixie paradon > blur [repeat]; smog X4; barroque [both sides]; sumo thong (invention shown?); plasticman; sunilwalker; superduperfly. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 92 secs.)
Derek: Epic session to the song from 5th Element: Alpine blurry whirl; blurriest X2; void; cold fusion; . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 90 secs.)
Derek: Blurry whirl X4; superfly > superfly; mullet > reverse walkover. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 68 secs.)
Derek: bullwhip; zulu mobius; gauntlet. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 28 secs.)
Video Dayze, by Andrew Grant.
The height of Hackrifice, in the days of Derek Vandall and Mark Leeman. Video by Andrew Grant.
(Playing time 173 secs.)
"Andrew @ 5 Months", aka, "What to do on worker's comp?"
Blurrage; flurry; spanishfly; locomotion. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 164 secs.)
"Take 1, Volume 1", by Andrew Grant.
Featuring Andrew + Erik. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 240 secs.)
Voyage of the Dawn Shredder 2: An Alpine Fairytail.
Features: Rob Fuller, Derek Vandall, Sam Coclough, Juan Rangel, Erik Chan and more! Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 2083 secs.)
Eric Reile: Fairy barrage BSOS. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Mark Leeman: tripod battle video
Diving torque, motion, smog. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 131 secs.)
Andrew Grant: First ripwalk > ripwalk; blur > paradon. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 13 secs.)
Andrew Grant: Tripod battle competition entry for Modified forums. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 135 secs.)
Erik: My best string for the longest time, pre-injury.
Fog > pixie whirl, blurry whirl, smog BSOS. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 14 secs.)
Erik: Reverse swirl both sides. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
Erik: From the same session as "phatty". I kind of dedicated this one to Marita, before we were going out. I like the slowmo ladybug.
Pixie whirl > blur [repeat]; gary coleman; and that same phatty run. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 101 secs.)
Erik: Bling blang > handcatch > bling blang > whirl > rev whirl > ripwalk
Filmed by Paul Toews. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 30 secs.)
Erik: 68 infinities in a minute. I did more than 68, but it was a challenge (I think from Brad Nelson) to see who could do more infinities in a minute. I think he won. (Video's sped up)
Appropriate song... I think by Towa Tei. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 42 secs.)
Erik: learned double downs:
barfly both sides; blurriest both sides; BAP drill. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 24 secs.)
Erik: Mobius both sides; bedwetter both sides (first ever flip); pdx drifter > drifter [repeat]; gyro DLO both sides; sumo both sides; blur > legbeater > blurry whirl [repeat]; blurry whirl > blurry whirl > ps whirl > ps whirl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 65 secs.)
Erik: Stampede both sides; backside toe blur both sides; witchdoctor > witchdoctor; bladerunner. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 85 secs.)