WFA Swirl
I got this shirt some time on 1998 or 1999. I still wear it a lot but mostly around the house. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
WFA Swirl Detail
WCO Tournament Shirt
Shirt for the Windy City Open held in Chicago in 2003. Great design by Keaton Halley. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
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I would wear this shirt more often if I were not afraid of fading the image out from constant washing. . Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
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WCO Back
WCO Back Detail
WFA Da Vinci
One of my favorite shirts! Purchased in either '98 or'99. It's seen a lot of use so I've since retired it. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
WFA Da Vinci Detail
What a great design. One of the best shirt concepts I've ever seen. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
WFA Footbag
Another old shirt from '98 or '99. Pretty cool design. . Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
WFA Footbag Detail
Words 99
Tournament shirt from World Footbag Championships at Chicago in 1999. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Worlds 99 Detail
Design by Scott Davidson. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Worlds 99 Back
I competed in intermediate routines. I was very surprised to advance coming from a tough pool. I did not have a practiced routine so I just went up there and winged it. I dropped only 3-4 times and got props by several players when I got off stage. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Worlds 99 Back Detail
For second round the following day I brought several friends to watch me compete. I went up very confident and energetic. But everything fell apart seconds after I began. I spent more time chasing after the footbag than anything else. I choked. Big time. I remember walking off embarrassed and exhausted. I was more than a little surprised that I finished 8th out of 20+ intermediates. Not bad I guess, for being a completely unprepared tiltless player. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
19 MWR
Shirt for the19th Annual Midwest Regional Championships and Exhibition. Design by Scott Davidson. He gave it to me for helping him through out the event. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
2001 CIC Museum of Science & Industry Jam's official shirt. Design by Scott Davidson. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC MSI Detail
Applebees restaurant was the main sponsor. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
I missed this event and Midwest Regionals the week before/after but someone was kind enough to give me a shirt anyways. Sweet. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC MSI Back Detail
This is probably the first time the club's logo has been on a professionally printed shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
My shirt design for US Open Freestyle Championships. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardalaloza.
UOSFC Detail
Click here for more info on the design process. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Play Footbag
Probably my favorite design--EVER! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Play Footbag Detail
Click here for more info on this shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Play Footbag Back
Play Footbag Back Detail
I designed the text in the back with some additions by Scott Davidson. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Kolo Sport
Acquired through trade @ NYJ 2005. I originally gave him one of my shirts as a thank you for helping me out with something but he insisted we trade. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Kolo Sport Detail
Great design. Even better person. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
I got this in December of 2003 when I signed up as an IFPA member. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
IFPA Detail
IFPA Back Detail
Revolution Footbags
Given to me by Paul Mestas, owner of Revolution. Great guy that I still do business with . Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Revolution Footbags Detail
I got this after one of the Colorodo Shred Symposiums. I did not attend but Paul was generous enough to send me the shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Revolution Footbags Back
Since he no longer produces these shirts, I have more or less retired the one I have. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Revolution Footbags Back Detail
It is still in good condition. All the stitches are intact, subtle fading of the fabric and some minor wear on the prints. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
This is from the Second West Virginia Jam in the fall of 05. It was one of the few events I have traveled out of state for. Great road trip. The WV Crew is a great bunch of guys to kick and/or party with. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
WVJ Detail
I got the signatures of all that attended the event except for Bob Glasser. I didn't get him to sign until several months later at NYJ 2005. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
NYJ 05
What can I say? This shirt fucking ROCKED! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
NYJ 05 Detail
I still get compliments for the art and a handfull of people have told me it was instantly their favorite shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
NYJ 05 Back
I sold all but 2 of the original 36 that I ordered. I reprinted 24 more in Navy Blue. I moved most of them at NYJ 06 and have only 6 left. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
NYJ Back Detail
I'll do a write up of the design process in another section of my gallery. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
NYJ Signed Back
Signatures of most, if not all that attended. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
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NYJ Signed Back Detail 02
Professionally printed version of the original caricature shirts I made for NYJ 2003. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Caricature Detail
You'll be seeing this a lot in my art and photos. I want it burned into all of your minds. When you think you see something similar you still think Chicago Inner Circle. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Caricature Back
While this is still a heat transfered image (like the original shirts) they were not home made. The image came out crisp and consistent. It has noticeable fading since it was not silk screened. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardalzoa.
Caricature Back Detail
The sheer numbers of colors involved made this shirt impractical to silk screen. Still, its a good compromise. When it gets too faded I can always print up more. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Like Chuck
I got this as a surprise gift in June 2006 from Emily in Santa Cruz. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Like Chuck Detail
I was initially asked to do the art for their event but had to turn it down. Just as well, I don't think I could have come up with anything better than this anyway. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Like Chuck Signature Detail 01
Not only did I get a free shirt, it was also signed by all that attended the event! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
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Like Chuck Back
Like Chuck Back Detail
This is my favorite part: Chuck Norris has allowed these sponsors to live. LMAO!!!!!! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
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Hack Off
Made this for NYJ 06. My First 4-square shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Hack Off Detail
Tom, Reile and I flaunted our shirts the first day of NYJ. Whenever anyone asked about our version we would give each other 'Borat' high fives. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC Hack Off
Redesigned club exclusive. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC Hack Off Detail
CIC Hack Off Back
This shirt has an updated club text in the back. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC Hack Off Back Detail
I tried to get everyone at the event to sign my shirt but I was busy either helping out with stuff or just having a great time. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Kolo Sport Black
Given to me after NYJ by Kolo as a thanks for crash space at LaRAZA. You gotta love the guy! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Kolo Sport Black Detail
Black Long Sleeve
Easily one of my favorite pieces of clothing now. We got these printed up by a friend of Brian Parson's in late February. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Chest Detail
I love this logo. It actually sits just a tiny bit too far to the left when I wear the shirt. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Sleeve Detail
Close up of the right sleeve with the updated text. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Navy Blue Long Sleeve
I want more long sleeves. Hm, I don't have a red one yet... Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Chest Detail
Sleeve Detail
Red KS Hoodie
Traded with Kolo at NYJ 06. I gave him 2 of my shirts for the XL hoodie. Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
Red KS Detail
Red CIC Hoodie
This is perfect. It's Red, it's a hoodie and it's got a phat logo dominating the front! Photo by Alex "Zeke" Ibardaloza.
CIC Detail
NYJ 07 Stock