Rules of play


This page pro­vides some of the gen­eral guide­lines that will be fol­lowed in the 2013 Worlds. Please take the time to read them through care­fully, to avoid unnec­es­sary dis­putes and last-minute sur­prises at the tour­na­ment. If you think some­thing essen­tial is miss­ing, do let us know, e.g. by post­ing a comment.



  • Open Singles Routines
  • Open Doubles Routines
  • Women’s Singles Routines
  • Intermediate Singles Routines
  • Open/Women’s Shred:30
  • Open/Women’s Circle Contest
  • Open/Women’s Sick 3-Trick
  • Open Request Contest

A dis­ci­pline will be orga­nized if there are at least four reg­is­tered play­ers or teams.


More to come…

When the final ver­sion of the sched­ule is pub­lished every­one is expected to fol­low it. Being late means being scratched.

Venues and surfaces

Most of the events will be held indoors at the Cégep du vieux Montréal. The sur­face of play at the Sports Hall will be a professionnal badminton mat on a wooden floor. The warm up area will have  a wooden floor.


Each player com­pet­ing in rou­tines must bring their rou­tine music(s) for each round to check-in on a CD or on flash mem­ory. The check-in will be the last pos­si­ble place to deliver the music.



The Net dis­ci­plines at the 2011 IFPA World Foot­bag Cham­pi­onships are:

  • Open Sin­gles Net
  • Open Dou­bles Net
  • Open Women’s Sin­gles Net
  • Open Women’s Dou­bles Net
  • Open Mixed Dou­bles Net
  • Inter­me­di­ate Sin­gles Net
  • Inter­me­di­ate Dou­bles Net

Scor­ing System

More to come…

Tour­na­ment Formats

More to come…

Venues and Surfaces

All open cat­e­gory matches in pools and in cham­pi­onship brack­ets will be played indoors in the cegep du vieux Montréal. Con­so­la­tion matches will be played out­doors in the parc Lafontaine, 10 mins walk from the main site. Inter­me­di­ate net cat­e­gories, except for the final matches, will maybe played outdoors.

Indoors, the sur­face of play will be a wood sports floor or a professionnal badminton mat on wood. Court areas will be enclosed by nets, or other con­struc­tions to min­i­mize dis­trac­tions from neigh­bour­ing courts.

Match Sched­ules

All pool stage and cham­pi­onship bracket stage matches in open cat­e­gories will be sched­uled. After enter­ing the court, play­ers will have 5–10 min­utes of warm up time before they are advised to start their match. Warm up space will be avail­able and some warm up courts are reserved for play­ers who are about to start their offi­cial match.


All net play­ers com­pet­ing in this tour­na­ment should wear shirts in all their matches. Teams com­pet­ing in dou­bles events should have match­ing out­fits. If this is a prob­lem for play­ers reg­is­tered with­out part­ner, the tour­na­ment organ­i­sa­tion is will­ing to help. Play­ers should also wear clean, non-marking shoes suit­able for indoor use when play­ing in Cégep du vieux Montréal.

Ref­er­ee­ing in prelims

All matches in pools should be ref­er­eed by a player in same pool. Play­ers play­ing in a match do the line judg­ing them­selves, and the head judge is there for mak­ing the calls in case of con­flicts. The head judge will also be judg­ing net fouls and con­tact fouls. Also, the head judge is respon­si­ble for get­ting the match going in time and inform­ing the results to the tour­na­ment staff.

The bags

We will be using offi­cial tour­na­ment net bags in every match. These bags are nat­u­rally pro­vided for the play­ers by the tour­na­ment organization.

Com­ing and going

Play­ers should inform the tour­na­ment staff at the venues when they arrive to the site and espe­cially when they leave. This is very impor­tant in order to stay in sched­ule, and to avoid peri­ods of wait­ing and uncertainty.

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