
Wel­come to the 2013 IFPA World Foot­bag Championships!


This amaz­ing tour­na­ment will take place on  July 28th — August 3rd in Montréal, Canada. The World Foot­bag Cham­pi­onships have been orga­nized annu­ally since 1979 and the club in Montreal is proud to host it for a fourth time!


One Response to Tournament

  1. Torben Wigger Hansen says:

    “World Foot­bag Cham­pi­onships have been orga­nized annu­ally since 1979 in a dif­fer­ent city every year?

    Nofor sure. 1984 was named NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
    The tru story is, that Worlds started in 1986.
    Someone has changed the story backwards.

    Look closely at this picture and note the year 1984.
    It is now 28 years ago, this tournament was held.
    Still, to be held the 34th World Championships.

    The smart reader can figure out the tournament in 1984 must have the 5th World Championship – despite the fact that on the cover of the magazine for the tournament 1984 Boulder.Co clearly stands – NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
    Yves Archambault was there as well.

    Have a nice “Worlds”

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