Hall of Fame

John Stalberger, one of the founding members of the Footbag HoF. © CFA
The Footbag Hall of Fame is a special group of people that have contributed greatly to footbag’s growth since 1972, when it was first invented. The current member list, kept up to date on footbag.org, includes names familiar to footbag players around the world, from John (“Mr. Hacky Sack”) Stalberger to Ken Shults to Emmanuel Bouchard, one of last year’s inductees.
The organizers of the 2011 IFPA World Championships would like to appreciate all the players, young and old, with a special party that links together the history of our sport with the present. The Hall of Fame ceremony will be an event to remember, and a good excuse to take a little flight to visit Helsinki, the Pearl of the Baltic.
More details about the HoF party will be posted as soon as they are confirmed. Meanwhile, check out the recently updated nomination criteria for inductees to get into the Footbag Hall of Fame.
UPDATE: the who, when and where of the 2011 HoF ceremony are finally confirmed. Tuomas Kärki will be the only inductee present and celebrated (all the more so) at the Tuesday, August 2, night party in Dubrovnik. Right after the ceremony, once Tuomas’ lengthy speech is over, we’ll get to see and award this year’s video contest finalists!