ERIC COLE --- Pioneer Footbag Innovator
/ Manufacrurer: Cole's Erarthbags 1980 - 1997, Sponsor of
numerous events/tournaments and players.

JON LIND --- Began play in 1979. Footbag
"DECA" designer. Freestyle innovator. 1986 World
singles freestyle champion, 1988, 1991, 1993 World team freestyle
champion. 1984 WFA Tour team member.

JAY MULDENHAUER --- Team freestyle
innovator. Inspirational tour team player, coach, leading
others to grow into world class champions. Tournament and
event director and promoter. - "XMAS JAMS" teacher
who always took the time for kids and fellow players.

Began tournament play in 1985, winning first of 7 World freestyle
championships in 1987 (Doubles with Kenny Shults). World champion
1988, 1996 Singles freestyle, World champion 1987, 89, 1998,
2000 & 2001. Doubles freestyle significant game innovator
and original 7 member of freestyle's "BIG ADD POSSE".

PETER SHUNNY --- Began play in 1983.
World footbag association tour team specialist since 1986.
World champion 1990, 1992, 2002, World doubles net champion
1997 & 2001, World men's overall champion. One of the
sport's greatest ambassadour's ever. Teacher.

organized play in 1984. WFA certified instructors. Launched
thair 1st tournament in 1985, the Funtastic summer classic
still going strong and the backbone of innovation for the
sport in East coast of North America. Their enthusiasm, sponsorship
and promotion of footbag has significantly contributing to
the sport's growth worldwide.

TIM VOZAR --- Key player / promoter
since 1983 to present. WFA pro rep. Key game and sport promoter
in Texas/SW U.S. IFAB/IFC member 1989-1997. Club and sport
promoter, teacher, he has had a tremendous impact on the many
top players from this region. Inspirational leader. Mike Marshall
award 1989.

ERIC WULFF --- World champion: 1996
Open team freestyle, 1998 Singles freestyle, 1998 Open doubles
freestyle, 1998 Mixed doubles freestyle. " THE IRONMAN"
is a many time finalist since late 1980's. Excellent in Net
+ Freestyle. Original member of New Jersey's Ocean Country
clippers. Game an dsport innovator and inspiration. Coach.
Tournament director, including 2002 Worlds.