(Mar 11, 2025, 21:38:56 PDT)
The central source of information on the alternative sport of footbag (hacky sack).

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
a:2:{s:2:"en";s:21:"IFPA Election Results";s:7:"en_utf8";s:21:"IFPA Election Results";} IFPA is pleased to announce the results of the recent election. We had a great turnout. Thanks to all who took the time to vote and show support.
Please welcome IFPA's newest board members:
Michal Rog, Executive Director;
Michal Klimzak, Assistant Executive Director;
Mikko Lepisto, Rules Director.
Returning board members:
Tim Vozar, Treasurer,
Julie Symons, Secretary.
These people are serving a 2-year term, effective immediately until the end of 2026. IFPA members at the Tier 1 and Tier 2 level are eligible to vote.
No events in the next 35 days. See the event calendar for more information.
For feedback, comments, or questions, please write Steve Goldberg, To report a problem, please use our new trouble reporting system.