The FEATSheet Newsletter

#18, published February 1995


by Derrick Fogle

The FEAT Sheet is created by Derrick and Ida Fogle, Directors of The FEAT Footbag Club, and published by MacFogle Publishing. Article submissions are encouraged and welcomed; all submissions are considered. Any correspondence or written inquiries should be directed to: Derrick or Ida Fogle, editors, The FEAT Sheet, PO Box 981, Columbia, MO 65205, or you can send email to If you wish to call us, our phone number is (314) 449-1543. The best times to reach us are late in the evenings. (9P CST)

This publication is copyrighted. Unless otherwise indicated, all rights revert to original authors upon publication. Derrick Fogle and Ida Fogle hereby release their work into the public domain.

Send inquiries to


  1. Footbag Patterns

  2. Internet Sabotages Newsletter

  3. Oh, I HATE it when that happens!

  4. The Great Golf Debate

  5. Kicking for Two

  6. Tournament Results

Click on any of the above articles to read them.

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